Although the state does not require universities in Canada to obtain a vulnerability or criminal record check before or after the admission process, most Canadian universities do ask you to obtain a criminal background check. This is especially true for courses and degrees that will require you to enter a field that involves working with children or vulnerable adults.
If you are planning to pursue a career in education, childcare, the elderly or any other field that requires you to handle vulnerable individuals, you will have to undergo a thorough background check. All universities in Canada require the student to obtain a vulnerable sector check before they apply for education practicums.
Some fields of study for which universities do not entertain any past criminal records include:
- Teacher’s College
- Education
- Psychology
- Social work
- Dentistry
- Population and health degrees
- Endodontics (Craniofacial Sciences)
Some universities like the University Of British Columbia deny admission in the education practicums to students who have demonstrated a history of financial crimes.
If you are worried about any financial fraud or theft cases on your profile, we are here to help. Our team of expert lawyers can help you obtain a record suspension which will ensure that your past will not interfere with your future. We believe everyone deserves a second chance.
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Vulnerable Sector Check
Many people are aware of what a criminal background check is but most of them don’t understand what a vulnerable sector check is. In simple words, it is a criminal background check that specifically caters to sexual offences. It uncovers the sexual offences that may be hidden from an individual’s record due to receiving a record suspension.
This means, that even if you have had a sexual offence record suspended, it will still show up on the vulnerable sector check. However, know that sexual offences are the only offences that show up on this check. All the other suspended records are hidden.
This policy was introduced in the year 2000. The Canadian government goes the extra length for the protection of children and other vulnerable persons which is why universities providing education practicums are required to obtain both criminal background checks and vulnerable sector checks.
If you are applying to a program that requires you to obtain a vulnerable sector check, you will have to go to your local police station with the details of the program. The officer in charge will conduct a name-based search and will send the vulnerable sector check directly to the university.
Overall Affect On University Applications
If you have a past criminal record, employment and educational opportunities may be limited. However, this does not mean that you can’t work to improve your future. There are many fields of study in which universities will not automatically exclude you from applying.
Instead, a proper process is followed where your criminal activities are assessed and the board of admission determines whether you pose an unacceptable risk to the university or not. You can apply to any field of study other than the vulnerable fields mentioned above.
Effects On Your Career After Studying
Unfortunately, unsuspended records will continue to haunt you like a ghost from the past even when you are trying to build your career. However, this issue can be catered to by hiring a certified lawyer to help you get your records expunged.
Some of the fields you will not be able to apply to with a criminal record are:
- Teaching
- Nursing
- Dentistry
- Healthcare professions
- Banking and financial jobs
However, you will be able to pursue your dream career by obtaining a record suspension. Note that if you have any prior sexual assault offences, even after record suspension, you will not be able to work in the teaching and healthcare industry.
Let Us Help You Attend Your Dream University
You should always be aware of the limitations your criminal record can have on your life pursuits. It is important to keep the consequences of your past in mind while choosing a field of study.
Nevertheless, we are here to help you irrespective of your criminal record. Slaferek lawyers are highly proficient at strategizing effective defence strategies that can lead to case dismissal, reduced charges, reduced penalties, and more. To get in touch with us today, click here. Our expertise lies in criminal cases and DUI cases.
If you are scrambling with charges or are looking for a good criminal defence lawyer to help you fight your case, our team of trained lawyers can help you build a strong case. We have successfully closed hundreds of cases pertaining to murder, DUI, financial fraud and more.